Analysis of Aero-Engine Annular Combustion Chamber Flame Tube Vibration Modes and Acoustic Modes 某型航空发动机环形燃烧室火焰筒振动模态与声学模态分析
The combustion efficiency at combustion chamber outlet of SFRJ with tube-in-hole is higher than that without it, and the combustion efficiency decreased with the tube moving downstream. 套管开口紧贴有效载荷末端时,燃烧室出口燃烧效率较无套管有所提高,套管向下游移动,将使燃烧室出口燃烧效率降低;
Experimental and numerical study on flame propagation and structure behaviors of methane-air premixed combustion in tube 管道内甲烷-空气预混火焰传播特性的实验与数值模拟研究
Simulation of Unsteady Hypersonic Combustion Around Projectiles in an Expansion Tube Simulation and Experiment of Two-Phase Mixing and Combustion in the Scramjet Combustor 关于膨胀管中弹丸周围非稳态超音速燃烧现象的模拟超燃冲压发动机燃烧室两相流混合燃烧过程仿真及实验研究
The experimental results of dry combustion in combustion tube was matched by numerical simulation method. The dynamic characteristics of dry combustion in combustion tube and the sensitivity of parameters were analyzed. 利用数值模拟技术对室内燃烧管干式燃烧实验进行了拟合,研究了燃烧管内干式燃烧的动态变化特征,并且进行了参数敏感性分析。
A study on the method of calculating the pulsating frequency of a combustion chamber and exhaust tube 燃烧室-喷管工作频率计算方法的研究
Methane-Oxygen Premixed Combustion in Micro-Scale Tube 微细通道中甲烷与氧气的预混燃烧
The investigation of combustion in micro flame tube study for driven mechanism of pulse combustion 微型火焰管中燃烧的研究脉冲燃烧驱动机理的探讨
Combustion of Gas within Circular Tube and Distribution of Temperature 燃气管内燃烧与温度分布
There are four primary objectives of this work: The experimental results of the influence of combustion condition on PAHs emissions during coal combustion process on fluidized bed and experimental tube furnace are summarized. 总结了在管式炉和流化床上完成的燃烧参数对PAHs排放影响的实验结果,结合国内外相关研究结果,采用主成份分析方法,提出通过良好组织燃烧工况来控制PAHs排放的措施。
The problems about the temperature setting for combustion tube of CHNS elemental analyzer are investigated. 讨论了CHNS元素分析仪燃烧反应管温度的设置问题。
Discussion on the temperature setting for combustion tube of CHNS elemental analyzer and analysis of the causes of its breaking CHNS元素分析仪燃烧反应管温度的设置及破裂原因分析
The paper choose the different coal samples from brown coal to dry-burning coal and make the oxygen-enrichment combustion tests in the Drop tube furnace and the thermogravimetric apparatus. 本文选用了从褐煤到贫煤的不同煤样,在沉降炉和热天平两种试验台上进行了煤粉的富氧燃烧试验。
Combustion of powdery emulsion explosive in DDT tube 乳化粉状炸药在DDT管内的燃烧特性
Experimental study on film combustion formed by spirally fluted horizontal tube 水平螺旋槽管油膜燃烧的实验研究
The method based on combination of previous field data and experiment results of combustion tube is a simple and reliable engineering calculation method under the condition of a few reservoir informations available. It will provide main parameters for decision? making body. 在只有少量油藏资料的条件下,用以往的现场数据和燃烧管试验结果相结合的方法是一种简捷可靠的工程计算方法,它可为决策部门提供主要开发参数。
This article introduces a gun type of gas burners for radiating tube and a method of designing combustion unit for radiating tube. 介绍一种枪式辐射管燃气燃烧器及其燃烧头的设计。
The results show that tangential velocity in more even and core area with higher axial velocity reduces compared with vortexing fluidized bed combustion without center tube. 结果表明:环形旋涡流化床采用内中心筒方式使切向速度分布更为均匀,轴向速度最大值的核心区有所减少。
Research and Development and Application of High Temperature Air Combustion ( HTAC) Regenerative Fired-gas Radiant Tube Combustor 蓄热式(HTAC)燃气辐射管燃烧器研制开发
Spontaneous emission spectra of behind a normal shock wave in high temperature air were measured in a hydrogen oxygen combustion driven shock tube, in a typical condition. 用光学多道分析仪(OMA光学系统)测量了氢氧燃烧驱动激波管中典型状态下正激波后高温空气不同时刻的瞬态光谱。
This marked decrease in CTC occurred when most Cu in reduction tube was oxidized and the oxidative ability of upper part of combustion tube declined. 当燃烧转化率显著降低时,还原管的填料被大量氧化,氧化管上部的氧化能力下降。
Burning stability analysis of micro-combustion and experimental research of combustion in microscale tube 微燃烧稳定性分析和微细管道燃烧实验研究
Application of time of flight mass spectrometer in combustion process of regeneration type radiant tube burner 飞行时间质谱仪在蓄热式辐射管燃烧工艺中的应用
At last, combining the technology of injection molding and combustion synthesis, h-BN+ SiC thermocouple-protection tube were fabricated. 结合注射成型技术和燃烧合成技术,成功制备了h-BN+SiC复合陶瓷陶瓷热电偶保护管。
Investigations on Combustion and Explosion Process of Suspended Aluminum Particles in a Large Combustion Tube 燃烧管内悬浮铝粉燃烧爆炸过程的研究
Combustion instability not only affects the stability of the aero-engine work, but also caused the combustion chamber flame tube thin-walled structure sound-vibration coupled fatigue. 燃烧不稳定不仅影响航空发动机的工作稳定性,而且还是造成燃烧室火焰筒薄壁结构声振耦合疲劳破坏的重要原因。
Consequently, in order to improve the fatigue life of the combustion chamber flame tube, it is particularly important to analyze vibration, acoustic and vibro-acoustic coupling characteristics of the aero-engine annular chamber flame tubes. 因此,为了提高燃烧室火焰筒的疲劳寿命,对其本身振动特性和声学特性以及声固耦合特性的研究显得尤为重要。